Вирус-программа Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster или печеньевое (печеньковое) чудовище — шутливая программа, не имеющая деструктивных целей. Была написана в 1970-м году Крисом Таваресом на языке программирования PL/I под ОС Multics.

Печеньевое чудовище блокировало работу компьютера, требуя от пользователя «печенье» с помощью сообщений:

Give me a cookie?
I want a cookie!
Come on: I want a cookie!
I ^RNEED^B a cookie!!!!!
Please, just ^Rone^B cookie, I promise I’ll go away!!

Для продолжения работы компьютера пользователь должен был ввести слово «cookie» (печенье).
После этого программа выводила сообщение:

Thank you!! (yum yum yum yum…….)

На данный момент программа не несет угрозы (по сути, печеньевое чудовище было безвредно и в в начале 70-х). В связи с чем приводим исходный код Cookie Monster (описание от автора).

Исходник Cookie Monster


/*+ "Cookie Monster" program from MIT Multics.

Written by Chris Tavares (Tavares@alum.mit.edu), who says:

Why a bear? A heavily-aired cereal commercial of the time
featured a "Cookie Bear," after which the annoying behavior of
this program was patterned. The "Cookie Monster" of Sesame
Street was unknown in 1970 when this program was written.

Copies of this program eventually found their way to many Multics
sites. At least one resource publication on computer viruses has
named this program as the earliest known example of a computer
virus. The author is not convinced that amused human beings
count as a qualifying infection vector.

This pathname of this version was cookie.pl1 in
>udd>spb>searched>utils_source.archive. It was saved on October 13,

Comments within slash-star-plus brackets are annotations added by Paul
Green on March 9, 1995. The lines have been reformatted to fit on
within 79-character limit, otherwise, nothing has been changed.


The ioa_ subroutine formats and displays a message on the users
terminal. When this program was written, all terminals were printing
terminals, and most of them had the capability of printing in red or
black via a 2-color ribbon. The ^R embedded control shifts to the red
ribbon, and the ^B control shifts back to black.

The timer_manager_$alarm_call subroutine calls back the specified
entrypoint in a specified number of seconds. The
timer_manager_$reset_alarm_call subroutine resets any pending calls.

Note that Multics retains a program in the address space of a process
after its initial execution. This was done for efficiency (it made
subsequent executions much faster). The timer_manager_$alarm_call
facility depended upon this behavior because it saved a pointer
(actually an entry variable) to the entry to be called. The Multics
compilers had to make a special call to flush a program out of the
address space when they recompiled it.

The two-part entrypoint name "cookie$bear" specifies the entry named
"bear" in the segment named "cookie".

The typical usage of this command is to sneak up to someone's
terminal, type ">udd>m>cdt>hh>cookie", tear off the paper, and walk
away. Or, you could edit it into his or her start_up.ec file. Even
reasonably experienced system programmers were mystified as to how the
message appeared at the terminal; the timer_manager_$alarm_call
facility was an obscure routine, and Multics provided no way to get a
list of pending alarm calls. I remember finding it by listing the
segments "known" to my process. PG +*/

cookie: proc;

dcl messages (7) char (64) initial (
"Give me a cookie?",
"I want a cookie!",
"Come on: I want a cookie!",
"I ^RNEED^B a cookie!!!!!",
"Please, just ^Rone^B cookie, I promise I'll go away!!",
flipflop bit (1) static initial (""b),
ioa_ ext entry,
cookie$bear ext entry,
timer_manager_$alarm_call ext entry (fixed bin (71), bit (2), entry),
timer_manager_$reset_alarm_call ext entry (entry),
counter static initial (1) fixed bin,
times (6) fixed bin (71) static initial (60, 240, 240, 200, 400, 120),
newl static initial ("^/") char (2);

/*+ This entrypoint is called when the hacker types "cookie" the first
time, or when the victim types "cookie" to satisfy the monster. +*/

if flipflop = ""b
then call timer_manager_$alarm_call (1200, "11"b, cookie$bear);
else do;
call timer_manager_$reset_alarm_call (cookie$bear);
call ioa_ ("Thank you!! (yum yum yum yum.......)");
counter = 1;

flipflop = ^flipflop;

/*+ This entrypoint is called by the timer_manager_ "call back" facility
after the timer goes off. Note that after printing 7 messages, the
cookie program "gives up" and stops setting further alarm timers. But
it also resets itself so that if sometime types "cookie", it will
start the cycle all over again. +*/

bear: entry;

call ioa_ (newl || messages (counter));
if counter = 7 then do;
flipflop = ""b;
call timer_manager_$reset_alarm_call (cookie$bear);
counter = 1;

call timer_manager_$reset_alarm_call (cookie$bear);
call timer_manager_$alarm_call (times (counter), "11"b, cookie$bear);
counter = counter + 1;

end cookie;

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